For the ephemeris of the other months consult the Astrological ephemeris of 2024

Ephemeris February 2024

Planets in Retrograde Motion

No retrograde planets in this month of February 2024. The Astrological Sky sees all the planets from the Sun to Pluto animated by direct motion from day 1 to 29.

Stable planets in the same zodiac sign throughout the month

Pluto in Aquarius begins its long transit through the sign by exploring the first two degrees.

Neptune in Pisces moves from the 25th to the 26th degree of the sign.

Uranus in Taurus has just resumed its direct motion after a retrograde phase and therefore moves extremely slowly, always remaining in the 19th degree of the sign for the entire month of February.

Saturn in Pisces proceeds in the sign crossing the degrees from the 6th to the 9th.

Jupiter in Taurus concludes the first decade of the sign by transiting from the 7th to the 11th degree

Planets that change zodiac signs during the month

Mars in Capricorn until February 13th and then in Aquarius until the end of the month.

Venus in Capricorn until the 16th, then in Aquarius from 17 to 29 February 2024 (leap year, as we know)

Mercury in Capricorn in the first five days of the month, then in Aquarius from 6 to 23 February and finally in Pisces from 24 to 29 February

Astrological Ephemeris February 2024

Astrological Ephemeris February 2024