Ephemeris Spin 300 years
Planets and astrological aspects
from 1850 to 2150
In the circle you can see the Planets in the different zodiac signs, exactly where they are today. The colored lines represent astrological aspects.
You can change the date by clicking on one of the arrows: if you keep it pressed you will see the planets animate and rotate in the zodiac circle while the coordinates and aspects update in real time until you release it.
The green line joins two planets in Conjunction, the generally favorable aspects are represented by warm colours, orange for the Trine and yellow for the Sextile, while the lines of the usually more contrasting aspects are blue for the Quadrature and purple for the Opposition. By opening the "Orbits Console" you can adjust the tolerance orbits of all aspects with immediate effect on the display.
The tables under the Zodiac Circle list the aspects of the day and the exact coordinates of the planets at 00: 00.
If the date is very remote you can also enter it directly by hand, however by holding down an arrow the speed progressively increases so you can get to any date quickly.